Understanding and Compassion in Borderline Personality Disorder.

Wafa oukka
3 min readJun 15, 2024
Photo by Camila Quintero Franco on Unsplash

In the complex world of human experiences, those living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) often find themselves navigating particularly tumultuous waters. These individuals might experience life in more vivid colors, where emotional highs and lows can be intense and overwhelming. It’s a journey where feelings of giving more in relationships without adequate reciprocation can lead to a deep sense of being taken advantage of, igniting a whirlpool of frustration, sadness, and anger.

  • The Feeling of Being Taken Advantage Of

Imagine walking along a path, continually extending your hand to others, only to find it seldom grasped as you’d hope. For those with BPD, relationships can feel like a one-sided conversation—a constant outpouring of themselves without the echo of mutual exchange. This imbalance breeds a profound feeling of exploitation, as if their generosity is taken for granted.

  • Why This Feeling Emerges?

This sense often roots in the hyper-awareness of emotional exchanges that characterize BPD. Individuals with this condition have an intense awareness of social interactions, where the absence of expected reciprocity can feel like a stark betrayal. Their high expectations for emotional intimacy set the stage for disappointment when others don’t meet



Wafa oukka

my name is Wafa and I am passionate about writing and poetry. I have found great joy in crafting stories, articles, and poems that resonate with others.